[/ vc_column_row] [/ vc section-home “dfd_row_responsive_enable =” dfd-row-responsive-enable “css =”. vc_custom_1583191125700 {padding-right: 60px! important; padding-left: 60px! important; background-color: #ffffff! important;} “responsive_styles = “padding_left_mobile: 20 | padding_right_mobile: 20”]
screen_wide_spacer_size = “40” screen_normal_resolution = “1024”screen_tablet_resolution = “800” screen_mobile_resolution = “480”] INFORMACIÓN TÉCNICA: [/ dfd_heading] Dorso: Fibra de nailon recubierta con granos abrasivos.
[/ vc_column_inner] [vc_column_inner_support_columnable = “1/2” -enable “css =”. vc_custom_1583365799652 {padding-right: 60px! important; padding-left: 30px! important;} “col_inner_shadow =” box_shadow_enable:deshabilitar | shadow_horizontal: 0 | shadow_vertical: 15 | shadow_blur: 50 | shadow_spread: 0 | box_shadow_color: rgba (0% 2C0% 2C0% 2C0.35) “col_inner_shadow_hover =” box_shadow_enable: deshabilitar | shadow_horizontal: 0 | shadow_vertical: 50 | shadow_spread: 0 | box_shadow_color: rgba (0% 2C0% 2C0% 2C0.35) “responsive_styles =” margin_right_mobile: -100 | padding_left_mobile: 20 | padding_right_mobile: 20 “]
Mineral: óxido de aluminio / cuarzo.
Grados: Medio.
Recubrimiento: Abierto.
Great flexibility that allows the adaptation of the product to the surface without deforming the shape of the piece.
Best price on the market and an excellent cost-benefit balance.
Doesn’t clog; dissipate heat and produce uniform scratch patterns in the pieces.