[ dfd_heading style = “style_06” subtitle = “INICIO – APLICACIONES – Bricolaje – TIENDA DE HARDWARE” delimiter_settings = “delimiter_style: solid | delimiter_width: 300 | delimiter_height: 4 | delimiter_color:% 23ff7300” delimiter_margin = “margin-bottom-top: 20 | : 20 “title_font_options =” ​​etiqueta: h2 | color:% 23ffffff | letter_spacing: 0 “title_google_fonts =” yes “title_custom_fonts =” font_family: Montserrat% 3Aregular% 2C700 “subtitle_font_options =” ​​etiqueta: div | color:% 23ffffff | letter_spacing: 0 “subtitle_google” fuente_fonts % 3Aregular% 2C700 | font_style: 400% 20regular% 3A400% 3Anormal “title_responsive =” font_size_mobile: 24 “subtitle_responsive =” font_size_mobile: 16 “] ECODISC DISCOS DE CORTE DELGADO [/ dfd_heading] [dfd” screen_space_spacer ” screen_tablet_resolution = “800” screen_mobile_resolution = “480”] [/ vc_column] [/ vc_row]
    sección [vc_custom_1585068427165 “tab_id =” 1580327240976-4ebb1f7b-1516 “]
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    [/ vc_column_inner]
    INFORMACIÓN TÉCNICA: [/ dfd_heading]
    subtitle_font_options = “etiqueta: div” title_google_fonts = “yes” title_custom_fonts = “font_family: Montserrat% 3Aregular% 2C700 | font_style: 400% 20regular% 3A400% 3Anormal”]Abrasivo: óxido de aluminio.

    Refuerzo: Doble malla.

    Usos: Acero inoxidable, corte en frío, acero al carbono, chapa, soldadura de acero, piedra, mármol, teja, hormigón, material de construcción y ladrillo resistente al calor.



    Image module


    Less vibration, more comfort.

    Free of polluting agents iron, chlorine and sulfur.

    Minimal shelling.

    Excellent cost-benefit ratio.


    Precise and simple cuts.

    Minimal effort in operation.

    Minimal burr.

    Great durability.

    Good cutting speed.

    Image module


    Aplicaciones: Utilice equipo de seguridad, amoladora en ángulo [/ dfd_heading]
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    [/ vc_column] [/ vc_row]